
This assignment was a part of my level design class. In a group we had to create a game concept based on level design and gameplay.

We decided to focus our attention on gameplay, therefore we gave the game no style at all. We made the level and all object out of geometrical shapes.

Balance, Force and Spacial Movement
The assignment stated to create an island-like level. The level had to be logical, empty spaces were allowed if placed intentionally. We had to define all forces and balance within the level.

The illustration shows our result from halfway the process. The red numbers show the level of the different platforms. Blue two-sided arrows are ramps where the player could move to higher platforms. The black numbers are collectables. Double black dotted-lines are dashes where the player has build up speed to make a jump. The blue squares are enemies and the big black B’s are boss-ememies. The A at the lower left is the starting location of the player, the B at the center right is the finishing area.

Encounter Levels
We gave each challenge an encounter level to see if the challenges increased in a logical way.

The image above shows how the encounter level increases, with a climax at the end.

During the process did the geometrical shapes become a style on there own. The second level was composed of hexagons and the third of triangles. Later we were challenged to mix our style with Oriental and Desert themes. The concept changed to an ancient asian ruïn within a big desert. The player changed to a jin jang shpere and the enemies to ninja squares. The player had to collect paper to build a big origami bird and fly away.

The game was never created.

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